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Dental xray equipment testing

Dental xray equipment testing

What testing should X-ray equipment have? Testing of x-ray equipment safety features and protection of staff and public is a requirement of the Ionising Radiations Regulations, while testing of the equipment for medical exposures is required by the Ionising Radiation...
Dental xray equipment testing

Personal radiation monitoring badges in dentistry

Are personal radiation dosimetry (monitoring) badges required in dental practices? Personal dosimetry (wearing of radiation monitoring badges) used to be more prevalent in dentistry – so what has happened?To begin, the inherent safety features of dental x-ray...
Dental xray equipment testing

Dental CBCT radiation shielding

Dental CBCT Radiation Shielding – What is Required? Dental cone beam CT (CBCT) scanners are now becoming much more prevalent. Working procedures, precautions and construction techniques which are well established for dental radiography will in many circumstances...
Dental xray equipment testing

HSE registration and consent for work with radiation

Changes to HSE registration and consent process for work with radiation HSE has announced changes to the processes associated with work with radiation. From 1st October 2023: Registration: employers registering work with radiation with HSE will need to submit more...