CompleteRPA is here to make the running of your practice easier for you.

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01872 492495

Dental Radiation Protection Advisor

Why do I need a Dental Radiation Protection Advisor?

The Ionising Radiations Regulations require you to appoint a dental Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA).  The RPA will provide you will advice on radiation shielding and safety in your practice.  This will include matters such as carrying out a bespoke radiation risk assessment, establishing local rules, radiation safety policy and procedures, et cetera.

As your Radiation Protection Advisor, based on information you provide regarding your surgeries we will prepare a complete radiation protection file to cover all of the requirements.  The radiation protection file will also provide you with the tools to maintain records of training, entitlement of staff to undertake various roles (such as x-ray operators) and to maintain records of equipment checks and other quality assurance audits such as audit of quality of radiographs.  We will review the results of equipment tests or postal test packs carried out by your service agent and can also advise you on arranging these.

Your RPA contract with CompleteRPA includes our on-going support via email or telephone. We will also support you in reviewing plans and equipment test results for replacement equipment.  Our service will ensure you have the documentation you need so that you and your staff can focus on providing the highest level of dental care for your clients/patients.

We will:

-assure the safety of your staff and patients

-provide the required documentation to satisfy clinical governance and regulatory/inspection requirements in the form of a radiation protection file

-provide you with tools to maintain the required on-going records

-review the results of equipment tests

-provide you with on-going support as may be required around radiation protection and equipment issues.

New practices:

If you are planning to set up a squat practice, take on an existing practice or start an additional practice site, we will guide you through what is required to ensure radiation protection and support you with review of plans for your facility.

We will provide a RPA review your plans to ensure appropriate shielding and positioning of the X-ray set and exposure controls have been put into place.  This will help you avoid disruptions that changes to your plans further on in the process and may also save you money as some suppliers/designers may specify shielding where it is not necessary.

You will need to register with the HSE and part of that process is confirming you have appointed a dental RPA and have many aspects of the Radiation Protection File (e.g. risk assessments) in place. Working with Complete RPA early in the process will ensure registering with HSE is a stress-free experience for you.

More information on the requirements of HSE is available on the HSE website