CompleteRPA is here to make the running of your practice easier for you.

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01872 492495

Our Process, Your

Radiation Protection File

We will provide you with a complete dental radiation protection file and be your RPA (Radiation Protection Adviser) as required by the Ionising Radiations Regulations and MPE (Medical Physics Expert) as required by the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations IR(ME)R (for CQC compliance).

Your bespoke dental radiation protection file will contain the documentation necessary to meet legal requirements and the tools you will need to maintain the ongoing records required for your practice.  This includes bespoke radiation risk assessments, local rules, radiation safety policy & written procedures and protocols to meet the requirements of ‘IRMER’.  It will also provide you with the tools to maintain records of training, entitlement of staff to undertake various roles (such as x-ray operators) and to maintain records of equipment checks and other quality assurance audits such as audit of quality of radiographs.

x-ray and radiation protection file

We will provide you with a complete dental radiation protection file and be your RPA (Radiation Protection Adviser) as required by the Ionising Radiations Regulations and MPE (Medical Physics Expert) as required by the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations IR(ME)R (for CQC compliance).

Your bespoke dental radiation protection file will contain the documentation necessary to meet legal requirements and the tools you will need to maintain the ongoing records required for your practice.  This includes bespoke radiation risk assessments, local rules, radiation safety policy & written procedures and protocols to meet the requirements of ‘IRMER’.  It will also provide you with the tools to maintain records of training, entitlement of staff to undertake various roles (such as x-ray operators) and to maintain records of equipment checks and other quality assurance audits such as audit of quality of radiographs.

x-ray radiation protection

Your Radiation Protection File

Because we know you want to focus on the everyday demands of running a busy dental practice, we offer a no-visit service. As your RPA we will base your radiation protection file on information you provide regarding your surgeries. We will review the results of equipment tests or postal test packs carried out by your installer/service agent and can also advise you on arranging these.

For your convenience and ease, we will supply a hard-copy of your radiation protection file, an electronic copy is available on request.

Your RPA contract with CompleteRPA includes our on-going support via email or telephone. We will also support you in reviewing plans and equipment test results for replacement equipment.

What is a Dental Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA)?

The Ionising Radiations Regulation 2017 state “every radiation employer shall consult such suitable radiation protection advisers as are necessary for the purpose of advising the radiation employer as to the observance of these Regulations”. Your RPA will provide the practice with support and advice in relation to the aspects of your radiation protection file, which include:

Prior assessment of installation plans
Acceptance into service of equipment and facilities
Drafting and review of risk assessment, local rules and contingency plans
Designation of controlled areas and subsequent requirements
Working arrangements for pregnant employees
Personal protective equipment
Designation of persons & personal dosimetry
Staff training
Quality assurance
Periodic testing of engineered controls, safety features
Prevention, investigation and analysis of accidents

What is a Dental Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA)?

radiation protection file documentation

The Ionising Radiations Regulation 2017 state “every radiation employer shall consult such suitable radiation protection advisers as are necessary for the purpose of advising the radiation employer as to the observance of these Regulations”. The RPA will provide the practice with support and advice in relation to the aspects of your radiation protection file, which include:

Prior assessment of installation plans
Acceptance into service of equipment and facilities
Drafting and review of risk assessment, local rules and contingency plans
Designation of controlled areas and subsequent requirements
Working arrangements for pregnant employees
Personal protective equipment
Designation of persons & personal dosimetry
Staff training
Quality assurance
Periodic testing of engineered controls, safety features
Prevention, investigation and analysis of accidents

What is a Medical Physics Expert (MPE)?

The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (commonly known as IRMER) require the appointment of a Medical Physics Expert to advise on medical exposures. The MPE will provide the practice with support and advice on:

Consultation on optimisation of patient doses
Dosimetry and QA in relation to exposures
Evaluation of the dose delivered to patients
Dental X-ray equipment and ancillary equipment
Preparation of technical specifications for equipment and installation design
Acceptance testing of dental X-ray equipment
The definition and performance of QA programmes for dental X-ray and ancillary equipment
Optimisation of doses to patients and others
Application and use of diagnostic reference levels
Analysis of events involving suspected or actual accidental or unintended exposures
Training of IRMER practitioners and other staff in radiation protection
Advising the employer regarding compliance with IRMER17

More from the CQC on this is available on their site here: (opens in new tab)

In Scotland, there is more specific guidance which is available here:
Scottish Guidance (opens in new tab)

There’s further guidance still in the Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners, a copy of which is hosted on the RQIA website here:

Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners

What is a Medical Physics Expert (MPE)?

radiation protection patient
The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (commonly known as IRMER) require the appointment of a Medical Physics Expert to advise on medical exposures. The MPE will provide the practice with support and advice on:

Consultation on optimisation of patient doses
Dosimetry and QA in relation to exposures
Evaluation of the dose delivered to patients
Dental X-ray equipment and ancillary equipment
Preparation of technical specifications for equipment and installation design
Acceptance testing of dental X-ray equipment
The definition and performance of QA programmes for dental X-ray and ancillary equipment
Optimisation of doses to patients and others
Application and use of diagnostic reference levels
Analysis of events involving suspected or actual accidental or unintended exposures
Training of IRMER practitioners and other staff in radiation protection
Advising the employer regarding compliance with IRMER17

More from the CQC on this is available on their site here: (opens in new tab)

In Scotland, there is more specific guidance which is available here: Scottish Guidance (opens in new tab)

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