What testing should X-ray equipment have?
Testing of x-ray equipment safety features and protection of staff and public is a requirement of the Ionising Radiations Regulations, while testing of the equipment for medical exposures is required by the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations. X-ray equipment should be subject to testing when first installed (a ‘critical exam’) and then followed by testing every three years. Testing must be carried out by someone suitably trained and the test results should be reviewed by the RPA & MPE.
At installation, the installer carries out a ‘critical examination’ to ensure that sufficient protection against radiation is provided to the operator and public and that the safety features and warning devices of the equipment are operating correctly. It is the legal duty of the installer to ensure this test is carried out and the critical exam must be carried out before the equipment is used by the practice. Also at installation an acceptance test is carried out – this involves checking the clinical performance of the machine to ensure it is meeting the manufacturer’s specifications and, as part of the commissioning of the machine, has been configured correctly and is set to achieve an appropriate balance between radiation dose and image quality.
Routine tests repeat many of those tests carried out at acceptance, they are carried out to ensure the equipment performance is consistent with that seen at installation. The ‘Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment’ recommend that tests are carried out at least every 3 years (and every year for CBCT and hand-held equipment if tests using an image quality test object are not being performed within the practice). Tests can be carried out by a service agent, a 3rd party equipment testing agent or using postal test packs.
Records of previous equipment tests should be maintained within the radiation protection file, this is both to evidence it has been carried out and for reference to the results should any trends in equipment performance begin to emerge.
Where the person undertaking the testing or the RPA/MPE during review of tests has indicated recommendations, it is important to ensure these are reviewed and acted on to ensure both adequate image quality is maintained and the ongoing restriction of exposure to persons.
The equipment should also be subject to ongoing periodic QA checks by the practice, record of which should be kept in your Radiation Protection File.
As your RPA, we will advise you on what equipment testing is required – please get in touch.
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