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Registering work with HSE

Dentist Registration with HSE: registering work with radiation & x-ray with HSE October 2023 update

A dentist is required to register their work with radiation with HSE, this applies across all four nations. In October 2023 the HSE have written to all registration holders asking them to re-register their work with x-rays with HSE.  Therefore, even if you have registration with HSE prior to October 2023, you must now complete the registration process again.

HSE have indicated to us that there will not be a fee for this for existing registration holders, otherwise the fee is £26 which must be paid to HSE by card. Owners of multiple practices can submit a single registration for all sites.

The registration process must be completed by an employee authorised to do so on behalf of the employer (e.g. the employer or the practice manager), therefore your RPA cannot complete this process on your behalf.

Once you have completed the process you will be emailed registration information, a copy of this should be kept in your Radiation Protection File.

During the re-registration process you will be asked some questions regarding your equipment base, sites, number of staff working with radiation etc. We have prepared a set of detailed re-registration instructions for our dental RPA clients – please get in touch.

Dentists can register work with radiation here using the RADAN system:


Why is registration required?
The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) replaced The Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 (IRR99), with one significant difference between the two pieces of legislation being the introduction of a graded approach to radiation risk. This means that regulatory control is ‘proportionate to the size and likelihood of exposures resulting from work’.

There are three tiers to the graded approach:
Notification – for low risk activities
Registration – for work with radiation generators, including X-ray equipment
Consent – for the highest risks, such as radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer (not appropriate for routine work with dental X-ray equipment).

Why are we being asked to register again?
HSE, in conjunction with other regulators, have decided that additional information regarding the nature of your work with x-ray equipment should be conducted – such as the nature of your work and summary information regarding the size of your inventory and the sites across which you operate.

Will I need to provide a ‘Safety Assessment’ and be inspected?
These are only required for highest risk activities where employers are applying for consent.
As use of x-ray equipment is medium risk activity which requires registration you will not be required to provide a safety assessment nor undergo inspection.

What happens if I don’t re-register?
It is a statutory requirement to register under the Ionising Radiations Regulations, if you fail to register the HSE may take enforcement action – potentially up to the level of prosecution.

Additionally, GDC’s Standards for the Dental Team 1.9 states ‘You must find out about, and follow, laws and regulations affecting your work.’

Additionally the CQC, HIW, HIS or RQIA (dependent upon your location) may also ask for evidence that you are compliant with the regulations.


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